Day Four – the “Eureka Day”

Day Four – the “Eureka Day”

I call this the Eureka Moment.

The whole unit was sitting on my deck, nothing was sealed, nothing was fitted.

What you are seeing are actual temps, the OAT Gauge is sitting on top of the glass, the digital thermometer is sitting inside the glass.

The outside air temperature was 9 degrees Celsius – and the internal temperature of the unit reached 37.1 degrees Celsius. The unit maintained over 25 degrees Celsius internal temperature for over three hours in intermittent sunlight.

Proof bonafide that the model works.

The Solar Furnace is now in its final position on the house.

Now that it is sealed, it will heat up and keep its heat much quicker.

It is ducted through the wall by a 3” galvanized, heavily insulated.

The Solar Furnace is bolted to the house using six #14 lag screws.

Continue to day five - more...

Day Five - More Results

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